WORM wrote:

> Iīve been wondering during the last days, which are the differents
> between using threads and using tasks. Sorry for bothering you, but I
> canīt find the answer to this.

The definition for both expression may vary, depending
in which "computing-world" you are living in :-)

So i will try this:

In general, a "task" can be any kind of computing job
(even an interrupt service routine), but with Linux,
"task" usualy means "(user-space-)process". Every process has
itīs own address-space and other processes canīt access
the data except when using shared memory.

Threads can (or with RTL do) run in the same address-space,
sharing data.

> Besides, i would like to know the pros and cons of using each other.

Processes are protected against each other, but this causes some
overhead when switching tasks since the MMU has to be reconfigured
and the TLB may has to be updated.

With RTL, "real time tasks" have more in common with "threads"
than with "processes" since they run in the same address space.
(as like "kernel-threads" a running in the same address space
as the kernel itself).


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