RTiC-Lab version 0.6.2 has been released. It can be obtained at:

Here is the associated entry from the ChangeLog:

Revision 0.6.2: Genesis Edition
        - Major rework of source code for efficiency and flexibility.

        - Biggest operational change: user only needs to create two
        instead of three: user_GUI.par and user_controller.c. The
        user_constants.h file is no longer needed and is generated
        internally by the GUI parser.

        - Finally!! The user can now save controller parameters to a
        and read them back into memory. This includes both scalars and

        - more efficient handling of memory for parameter updates. Now,
        scalars and matrices are treated as different entities in terms
        memory allocation.

       - removed the plotting package from xrtic. The plotter now runs
        a standalone application. Still need to set up shared memory to
        communicate the plotted data with xrtic. The plotter is
        currently not being very useful. Expect to have plotting working

        in following revision.

        - set up the plotter so that the user can open up and close
        several plotting windows

        - Heavily reworked the GUI parser to perform error checking. The

        user no longer needs to create the file: user_constants.h, and
        created automatically for the user based on user input.

        - New tokens have been added to the GUI parser.

        - Major update of the manual and documentation.

        - Streamlined real time code

        - Added Keyphasor example which shows the user how to set up
        interrupt service routines and shared variables.

        - Greater robustness in parsing information from the

Edgar F. Hilton           email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
office#: (804) 924-6233           fax#: (804) 982-2246

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