Olaf Petzold wrote:

> I'm one of the people who havn't such luck. After a clean reboot, the contents
> of several source files was merged, so I found contents from file a.c inside
> file b.c and so on. This experience is less than an half year hold. Maybee I
> did some wrong things but, the install manual was from linux magazin and was
> descibted detailed.

Then, you really had bad luck :-(

I am using reiserfs for more than half a year now, on all my
machines i do my daily work. Because i have to bother around
with many unstable drivers for brand new products, the
machines are crashing very often ... maybe a hundred
times up to now. And of course, i sometimes shut down
the machines regular :-)

Just know, i am typing this mail using linux-2.4.0-test2-ac2 with
reiserfs ... 

btw: i donīt have a streamer and donīt do backups :-)
(ok, more or less usefull things are backuped throug the web)
but maybe that is like jumping from a big building: while
passing each levels, you can state "until know everything
just went fine" :-)

Maybe i just had luck all the time, but on the other hand:
there was some kind of bug half a year ago in reiserfs
that prevented SuSE from using it as the default filesystem.

But now, SuSE and Mandrake offer reiserfs as alternative
filesystem in itīs graphical installer ... SuSE even
encourages their customers to use reiserfs ...

At least, i heard nothing bad about reiserfs for months,
and more and more people are using it ...

But you are right, to be 100% sure, use ro-mounted ext2
and a ramdisk for /tmp (/var and /project can be rw-mounted ext2,
since the fsck wonīt take much time, if the filesystem
is kept small)

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