>From: David Olofson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "daniel sheltraw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Re: [rtl] rt display in usec
>Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 18:38:39 +0200
>Wed, 09 Aug 2000 daniel sheltraw wrote:
> > Hello RTers
> >
> > This is a bit off the RTL and RTAI topic but I have a quetion similar to
> > Patricks regarding RT display. I am willing to accept the course
> > grained timing given by the reciprocol of the refresh rate but I would
> > like to be able to draw the image to screen with hard RT scheduling. 
> > exists a register in most cards that "resets" the sequencer.
>Standard VGA register? (Long time since I programmed VGA on the hardware
> > I am not sure what reset means and can find no documentation to tell so. 
> > am wondering if anyone knows whether this resets the sequencer so that I 
> > start at a well defined spot in the sequencer cycle and therefore 
> > hard RT scheduling. Of course there may be latencies for the reset which
> > would have to be taken into account.
>Any video card registers (except for the one with the blanking bits, in 
>you have no VBL IRQ...) would generally be of interest only when dealing 
>hardware accelerated rendering. (If you're using mode-X or bitplane [16 
>modes, you're in trouble, though - these modes require register access all 
>time, which means you cannot share the card at the hardware level.) AFAIK, 
>only effect they could have on any normal card is that ongoing hardware
>accellerated operations could steal some VRAM bandwidth, which of course 
>be a problem if high bandwidth is required for the RT operations.
>As to standard VGA registers, I only know about the usual bitmap access 
>logic and that stuff, and it is indeed slow on some modern cards, but I 
>it gets much worse than fiddling with ports in general. "Only" the usual
>hundreds of cycles wasted on waitstates...
>If you really need h/w acceleration for the RT stuff, the driver has to run 
>RT context, and on nearly all non-pro cards you also need to dedicate the 
>to the RT task, since consumer video cards in general cannot switch context 
>the middle of an operation.


Would you please explain what you mean by "context switch" amd how this
applies to RT?

Thanks Daniel

(Pro cards for CAD/CAM, real time 3D animation etc
>can do this kind of task switching, and it seems like the new generation of 
>cards are getting there too, as a result of game and pro cards beginning to 
>the same chipsets. Lower costs and higher performance for both classes.)
>David Olofson
>  Programmer
>  Reologica Instruments AB
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