Stephen Walton writes:
 > On a related note (hence the post to two groups) the version of rt_com
 > included with RTLinux doesn't seem to have tracked the changes which
 > Jochen Kuepper has made recently.  OTOH, there is a set of changes made by
 > Michael Barabanov which are on the To-Do list over at
 > (POSIX IO bindings, SMP-safe) which haven't been
 > put in the main development tree.  I've not been able to build rt_com
 > 0.5.3 (Jochen's latest version) to work properly with rtlinux 2.2 or 2.3
 > or 3.0 beta.

It would be great if someone (probably Michael) would incorporate the
RT-Linux stuff into rt_com. He started to do that once, but probably
never got back to it.
To my mind one single rt_com archive should be good enough for
Currently I don´t have the time to that.

If people try to do that, or want to work on rt_com otherwise, please
send me patches or ask for cvs write-access.

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