Hi Andrew, just ouf of curiosity... why not use a PLC?  Is it because of the
encoder interface?

I've built several applications similar to yours and most were doable with a
PLC system.  When needed, I patched in a PC based user interface via serial
comm to the PLC for monitoring or data handling.  I only persue PC based
real time systems when the application requires something that outperforms a
PLC or when something that is extremely complicated to code. I guess price
can be an issue... you get more bang for the buck out of a PC than a PLC.
Until you take into consideration the harsh environment your system will
work in...  lots of factors to consider sometimes.

Also, you dont have to worry about hard drive failure with a PLC.  ; -)

Just a thought...

- Tony

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Hooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 6:12 PM
Subject: [rtl] Press Controll

> Hi,
> We have a press that we would like to controll using rti, or something
> similar
> i currently have the bones of a system setup using RTAI and mbuff, but
> its been close to a years since i set this up im wondering if there have
> been
> any advancments as to an interface and inviroment that would allow me to
> set this up a little easier.
> What we have is the following.
> 40ton press with mechanical feeder, with an slodstate relay on the
> controller,
> hold the relay closed and the press will cycle, release and it will stop.
> Encoder that sits on the metal being feed and checks that the correct
> is being feed.
> Magnetic Switch at TDC.
> What we are trying to acheive.
> Enter the Lenght/encoder count, Enter the QTY of peices wanted press enter
> and the press will cycle until done.
> Each cycle the encoder is checked to see that the matereal has been feed
> and the magnetic sensor is checkd to ensure that the press has reached TDC
> before triggering another cycle.
> When each cycle is triggered incrament the counter by one.
> Simple Eh. :)
> Well i wrote the routine about one year ago, took the system and the info
> the
> be installed and it has sat there for that year waiting for the
> to install
> the interface, now its installed they have lost the paperwork on how it
> done
> and somehow the HDD on the system has died (Guess What) No Backup :(
> I could and should kick myself for that one....
> Anyway, looks like im back at square one again.
> Any one have any ideas..?
> Regards
> Andrew

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