You can use the RTLinux user-level signal feature.
In a user-program linked with librtlinux.a to setup handler() to run at 20
struct rtlinux_sigaction sig, oldsig;
sig.sa_handler = handler;
sig.sa_flags = RTLINUX_SA_PERIODIC;
sig.sa_period = NSECS_PER_SEC/20;
rtlinux_sigaction( RTLINUX_SIGTIMER0, &sig, &oldsig );
Just like normal sigaction semantics.
} I want to create a thread (or process) that executes on a regular
} basis (about 20 times per second - 20 hz) in user space. Doing this
} using the rtlinux thread library in kernel space is very easy, but it
} does not appear to be the case in user space using the regular pthread
} library in linux. Another method of doing this would be to utilize a
} rtlinux timer or thread in a module but I'm unsure of how to trigger a
} function in user space from an event in rtlinux. What I'm trying to do
} is create an interrupt driven read/write function in user space to send
} and poll for messages over a tcp/ip connection. The messages being sent
} over tcp/ip do not need to occur in real-time, so a simple 'is there a
} message? okay - send it or receive it' will work. Anyone have any
} ideas on this?
} Troy Davis
} Airborne Data Systems, Inc.
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