
I just updrate my machine with RTLinux V3 and I got a problem after
installing the
modules :
Module                  Size  Used by
mbuff                   5156   0  (unused)
psc                    18264   0  (unused)
rtl_fifo                8536   0  [psc]
rtl_posixio             6988   0  [rtl_fifo]
rtl_sched              26692   0  [psc]
rtl_time                4964   0  [psc rtl_posixio rtl_sched]
rtl                    17392   0  [psc rtl_fifo rtl_posixio rtl_sched
rtl8139                12420   1  (autoclean)
aic7xxx               137112   3
reboot: must be superuser.

But I'm logged as root !!!! all the commands init shutdown etc provide
the same message.

my configuration is : Linux xport.mrwo.mcgill.ca 2.2.18-rtl #1 Fri Feb
16 15:26:45 EST 2001 i686 unknown

Any idear

Fred Cazenave

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