> Hello all-
> I have been fighting with the booting from a flash disk using initrd and a
> ramdisk. I have now gotten to where it boots the kernel without any
> problems, and gets to init. However I get the following error:
> INIT: version 2.76 booting
> INIT: cannot execute "/etc/rc.d/rc.S"
> INIT: Entering runlevel:3
> INIT: cannot execute "/etc/rc.d/rc.M"
> INIT: No more processes left in this runlevel.
multiple posibilities
1) the rc sripts have the wrong permissions
2) the libs are not in place and its not finding the required libs
3) the scripts reference /bin/sh and the link is not set to the proper shell
4) the scripts are not accessible at this point (real root not set yet)
to check whats going on boot into a root-shell by passing the kernel a
boot: linux init /bin/bash (or what ever shell you have)
and then when you get to the prompt execute all the steps in /etc/inittab
manually , this will show where it is failing.
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