I've updated patches so that it now uses kernel 2.4.5. Those are in the
same place (it's a link to the current dir)

FYI, ext3 filesystem is working on my target SH4 machine.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:31:17 +0900
Masahiro Abe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> We at A&D have been porting RTLinux 3.0 to Linux-sh, especially to SH4.
> We think it's ready for review by wider audience, and put patches and
> documents at the following place.
> <ftp://ftp.aandd.co.jp/pub/linuxsh/rtlinux/current/>

| Masahiro Abe, Software Engineer     |
| A&D Co., Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan       |
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
|This is my opinion, not my employer's|

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