Fourth Real-Time Linux Workshop
                            Dec 6-7 2002
             Computer Science Department, Boston University
              111 Cummington Street Boston, MA-02215, USA

Following the meetings of developers and users of real-time Linux 
in Vienna, Orlando and Milano, the Fourth Real-Time Linux Workshop 
held at the Computer Science Department, Boston University will

   - bring together developers and users,
   - discuss user demands with users, and implementation issues 
     with co-developers in hands-on sessions : Show me your code ! 
   - present the use of real time linux to new-comers in tutorials, 
     hands-on and kickstart sessions,
   - present more than 30 papers on applications, contributions, 
     new developments and technologies, 
   - encourage the spirit of a community. 

The workshop should be held in the same enthusiasm and spirit as the 
first one in Vienna, with home made cookies, coffee, and interesting
presentations on applications, tools and variants.

For any further information please take a look at the web site :

Real Time Linux Foundation, Inc.,
The Thinking Nerds,
Rtl mailing list

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