I don't have a lot to offer to this subject except to say that in my
experience of building declarative bidirectional relationships in
Javascript (to proxy AR records!) I found that "promoting" the
associations to a full-blown model was quite clean.  If done directly
in AR, I could imagine something like this:

in app/models/dangerous_circus_tricks.rb

class DangerousCircusTrick < ActiveRecord::AssociationModel
  associate ExtremeJuggler, [FlamingSticks]

  def adequately_insured?
    flaming_sticks < 3 || extreme_juggler.experience == :expert

Complex relationships (particularly with bidirectionality) sometimes
warrant a dedicated model -even if the particulars of the ORM layer
don't require a dedicated table.  I suspect that such an approach
would extend well into ActiveResource and other non-RDBMS stores.  It
could even be used to model mixed associations (an AR record
associated with an ActiveRes model).

On Dec 3, 10:59 am, "Murray Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/12/2 acechase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Dec 1, 12:14 pm, "Michael Koziarski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > As for the bi-directionality of in-memory AR objects, you should check
> > > > out the parental-control plugin, which while incomplete, covers quite
> > > > a bit of what is needed to support bi-directional associations in
> > > > rails:
> > > >http://github.com/h-lame/parental_control/tree/master
> > > Nice!  I'd love to see something along these lines baked right in to 2.3
> > > --
> > > Cheers
> > > Koz
> > Three cheers to that! h-lame has done some really good work getting
> > the parental_control plugin working, but I think it would make
> > hammering out the trickier bits much easier if it was part of core.
> Ah-ha! Now I understand why my little un-announced plugin suddenly got some
> watchers on github ;)
> So, here seems like as good a place as any to thrash it out.  What do we
> think I/we'd need to do to get it into core?  As someone pointed out, it's
> pretty incomplete so I'm sure I've not covered all the edge cases, although
> I think it does a pretty good job of giving up if it can't find something
> that it thinks is the right inverse / reciprocal relationship (and we're
> using it in a production app here and it's yet to fall over).
> The first natural extension to me would be to allow for :inverse options on
> association definitions that would allow for getting round trying to work it
> out, e.g. something like:
> class FlamingStick < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :extreme_juggler, :inverse => :flaming_sticks
> end
> class ExtremeJuggler < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_many :flaming_sticks, :inverse => :extreme_juggler
> end
> Although, for these simple cases it does seem like extra work that the
> framework should be able to work it out for you, so I don't think I'm hugely
> in favour of dropping the "magic" auto-detection.
> Anything else / anyone else used it and spotted stuff I haven't?
> Cheers,
> Muz
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