Hey guys,

thanks a lot for you proposal. I think we all agree that rails-i18n  
can be improved and input on that is highly appreciated.

This is a very long mail, so I'll cut some of it.

On 21.04.2009, at 11:08, geekQ wrote:
> All our approaches still required extensive monkey patching resulting
> in high, unexpected efforts.

Could you please list the bits you had to monkey patch, maybe  
providing some code we can look at? Or does this only refer to AR  

> The solutions work in 95% of all cases, which is
> probably sufficient for most Rails applications, but in our case it  
> is not.

Yes. The initial goal of the rails-i18n project was to a) provide a  
common API all I18n solutions could build on while b) providing an  
implementation (simple backend) that works for English. It turned out  
that this implementation seems to work for (as you say) 95% of all  
usecases which is much more than we expected.

We are currently seeing concurring implementations (backends) which  
IMO is a good thing but doesn't necessarily mean we need to integrate  
all of them into Rails core right now.

> Often software developers are not able to or are not allowed to create
> translations of their applications' texts for several reasons:


> Important note: non-developers need [tools][poedit] for editing
> language files!

I agree that currently a solid tool for managing large collections of  
translations is missing. There are efforts to build such tools though.  
(E.g. see http://github.com/newsdesk/translate)

> Identifying messages by a symbol in a YAML file (like in Rails 2.3) is
> problematic, because it breaks the developer's flow: you have to stop
> coding, come up with a good identifier (symbol) name for your  
> message, go to a
> YAML file, and type in the message.

This is certainly a highly debated topic.

We are refering to this as "default translations as keys" vs "symbols  
as keys". Gettext also embeds "contexts" (scopes) to the default  
translation. There are several variations of these concepts and there  
are pros and cons to all of them.

You name one of the problems with "defaults as keys":

> * For commercial-grade applications the exact wording usually is
> controlled by  the marketing department.

"You don't want to those guys mess with your code." seems like a good  
reason to use Symbols as keys.

Afaik another reason is that the initially picked default translation  
might need to be changed during the process so there's a risk for keys  
getting out of sync. Also, with "defaults as keys" there's no way to  
compute defaults (fallbacks) (which of course affects another highly  
debated topic: reusing keys). E.g. you can not fallback  
to :"errors.model.invalid" when :"errors.article.invalid" is missing.

In the end we agreed to go with Symbols as keys because we felt that  
they a) are a better fit for framework needs and b) provides even  
better means for separating roles (i.e. devs mess with Symbols,  
translators mess with translations).

There's no reason though why you could not add a helper method _() to  
your application and then use the same syntax as in your examples:

>    _('Archive is invalid')
>    _('%{attribute} must not be empty') % attr

In Rails I18n Strings can be used as keys. The only drawback here is  
that you'd need to escape/unescape dots to something else in your _()  
implementation because they'd be interpreted as scope (context)  
separators. (This might be an opportunity to improve the API. We've  
never discussed this further.)

> With command line tools such as [msgfmt -cv][msgfmt] you can also
> check the
> well-formnedess and completeness of your transaltions as part of the
> *continuous build process*.

This again concerns the tools layer and isn't necessarily related to  
the API and/or backend implementation.

Afaik these Gettext tools rely on the keys not being computed though.  
E.g. devs must stick to using _('Archive is invalid') instead of  
_(foo.msg), right? This obviously is a limitation that we might not  
want to rely on for Rails itself. It might be a perfect fit for  
userland apps though so I can't see what's holding anybody back from  
using Rails I18n like this.

> ActiveRecord validations support the concept of error messages and
> full error messages. From a linguistical point of view this does not  
> work: there
> is no way to infer a correct full message from its short message  
> counterpart
> and vice versa. The string concatenation approach used by Rails  
> (almost)
> works for English but rarely for other languages.

I'm actually not sure about the current status of this issue, but it's  
been a known issue when we implemented Rails I18n. AR error messages  
were subject to an ongoing discussion at that time so we simply ported  
the existing functionality even though it's suboptimal.

> A message can only be translated as a whole. Hence, it should be
> possible to provide custom ActiveRecord validation messages at any  
> time. For us it
> was only possible with [a dirty hack][custom-validation-messages].

Allowing Procs for AR messages seems like a good idea to me. It's not  
the only place where Rails translates stuff though so it's probably  
not sufficient for replacing Rails I18n with "something else" (i.e.  
Gettext in your case). I feel the more appropriate way would be to use  
the API and use a Gettext enabled backend instead.

> *String concatenation should never be used to create human-readable
> messages. Use string interpolation instead (as it has been used in  
> other
> frameworks and platforms for decades).*

I think we all agree on this.

> Of course, a robust pluralization implementation, as provided by
> gettext, is important, too.

What's wrong or not robust with the current pluralization API derived  
from CLDR?

> All the different localization libraries try to select an appropriate
> locale corresponding to their own rules and in a transparent way. The
> corresponding logic is often buried deep in the library's  
> implementation and cannot
> be fixed using monkey patching.

Rails I18n does not ship locale detection/selection, so there's  
nothing to monkey patch?

But yeah, you're laying out why we decided to leave features like  
these to plugin land for now.

> If the handling of text messages needs to be refactored anyway, it
> would be advantageous to switch to the less invasive, proven, and  
> familiar
> gettext syntax:
>    _("The billing system is not available. Please, try again later.")
> instead of
>    I18n.t(:billing_not_available)
> Providing context for translation:
>   "Gadget|Title" => (German) "Bezeichnung"

Tbh I don't fully understand how this is less invasive than

t('gadget.title', :default => 'Title')

It's a bit shorter, sure, but that comes to a price, too. And you can  
always add your own accessor layer/helper on top of I18n#t, no?

> The word "Title" is translated differently depending on its context.
> Hierarchical contexts are not needed, that is YAML files with deeper
> nesting as in Rails 2.3 do not make sense.

You don't need to nest your keys/scopes/contexts if you don't want to.  
Even the GNU gettext manual though seems to suggest that there are  
situations where this makes sense: 

Am I missing your point here?

> The current interface for plugging in different localization storage
> backends is a nice intention, but in this case flexibility is not  
> needed. A
> perfectly designed and working backend would be sufficient.

That's a strong statement as it suggests that there's a silver-bullet  
solution for all needs. Our experience with several concurrent I18n  
solutions in Rails' history rather seemed to suggest the opposite.

I believe the way forward can't be to force everbody to use Gettext  
but instead make sure Rails I18n supports a full stack Gettext  
solution through the API as seemlessly as possible. That might mean:  
implement a Gettext backend, provide some helper syntax, maybe make  
the scope separator configurable.

All that said, thanks again for bringing this up!


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