On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Jason King <smathy.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So now I'm confused, because my test fails with the same versions of
> SQLite2 and same sqlite-ruby gem as the CI machine.  I can reproduce
> the bug in last_insert_rowid() directly in SQLite2 (by using those
> large ids) so I have to conclude that the CI machine is not generating
> the same large ids.
> Maybe this is a rake version issue, my rake is 0.8.4 and the CI's is
> 0.8.3.  Is rake the thing that generates those big fixture ids?  More
> digging (unless someone who is still reading knows :)

If you want to temporarily add a build pointing at your repo for debug
purposes, I can do it.  Contact me offline...

-- Chad

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