Hey Josh,

I think this patch by José Valim, which is in my queue to work on this  
week, will solve this problem for you: 


On 9 sep 2009, at 19:36, Josh wrote:

> This line o' code in autosave_association.rb is a little bit weird
> imo.
> attribute = "#{reflection.name}_#{attribute}"
> Line 252 on master at the moment.
> It's used in at least two places I can tell (I haven't looked very
> hard), accepts_nested_attributes and validates_associated.  The string
> that is generated is then applied to #errors on the parent record as
> the base name. So, for example:
> class Profile < AR::Base
>  has_one :address
>  accepts_nested_attributes_for :address
> end
> class Address < AR::Base
>  validates_presence_of :city
> end
> p = Profile.new
> p.build_address
> p.save
> p.errors.full_messages
> # =>  ['Address City is invalid']
> #or something like that.
> The issue is that "Address City" is meaningless to our users.  How
> many of you label your "City" text field as "Address City" on your
> "Profile" form?
> Was this added in order to disambiguate if the same attribute exists
> on both the parent and the child?  If so, can we do away with that? We
> can't save bad developers from themselves.
> Changing the above line to
> attribute = "#{attribute}"
> only breaks a handful of tests and only in TestNestedAttributes and
> TestAutosaveAssociation, so I don't think it's widely used.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Josh
> >

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