First of all thanks all you guys for useful discussions.

Yehuda wants some concrete things I don't like on AS, so:

1) There is no reason why AS should have an executables. bin/
generate_tables is just messing my $PATH. It matter especially in
bundled environment where I want to have my bin/ clean.
2) I don't like that there is a lot of stuff which should be in
separate gems. For example multibyte, cache, backtrace cleaner ...
basically in my opinion in AS should be just core_exts and maybe some
other generic things like callbacks. I believe this is not very good
3) Why is locale/en.yml in lib and therefore is de facto loadable (via
load 'active_support/locale/en.yml')?

1) & 3) isn't so important, the most important for me is definitely
2). In Merb, there was huge amount of gems, Rails 2 are too
monolithic, it would be nice to come with some reasonable design
finally :) I would really put some less generic stuff into separate


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