Hey all,

I'd really appreciate some eyes on 
 There's a small issue in Rails 3 eager loading, and this ticket has an 
accompanying patch.

Sssociations that show up twice in a Relation chain like:

  Article.includes(:comments).includes(:comments => :moderations)

will show up twice in the JoinDependency's join_parts but only once in the 
query that gets run. This wreaks all kinds of fun havoc with the select 
statement that gets used in construct_relation_for_association_find, since it 
will try to select from both copies of the table.

One solution (the one I implemented in the patch) is to ensure that the 
JoinDependency only joins each association once. This seems to be in keeping 
with the intended functionality, based on includes_values being "uniq"ed 
elsewhere. Naturally, a uniq won't catch a situation as described above, since 
includes_values contains a symbol, :comments, and a hash, {:comments => 

Thanks in advance!

Ernie Miller

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