Em 01-03-2012 19:07, Xavier Noria escreveu:
Keeping backwards compatibility and moving forward are contrary goals
pulling from each other. Rails tries to keep a balance while leaning
on the side of moving forward.

Some people like that, some people don't. There's no solution to that conflict.

Rodrigo I personally appreciate a lot your email. Sincere positive
feedback is absolutely great, I bill *less* hours everyday to work on
Rails, I pay the docs server from my wallet, I do it because I like
it, nobody owns me anything and it is my pleasure, but it is good to
hear some positive words.

Xavier, I'd like to thank you very much for all the work you've been putting on Rails documentation infra-structure for the last years.

I do appreciate it a lot as I find the documentation to be *the most important* feature of any framework or library, tied with automated tests and API design.

When I complained about lack of documentation in Rails 3, I wasn't blaming you in any way.

I always thought that the main issue is that Rails core developers don't take documentation as serious as they take automated tests. The culture is:

"We have already opened docrails write access to anyone, so if you find something missing in the documentation, fix it yourself and let us work on new features and refactorings."

The problem is that usually the best person to document a new feature is the one who developed it. But as long as he wrote a test for it, it is fine. Finished. No need for including the documentation changes in the same commit.

I'm not saying that this happens with every one, but it happens a lot and it is the reason we have lots of gaps in the API documentation and sometimes the guides are not updated to reflect some changes.

In my opinion, developers should worry about documentation as much as they're worried about their test suite and they shouldn't accept patches lacking documentation updates.

But I've already expressed those opinions in the past and I don't think it changed anything, so I guess we'll continue to have some delay in the documentation update process.

But that is not your fault. Thank you very much for all your effort and money put on Rails documentation. They're much appreciated.


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