Any framework that has convention over configuration has the the problem 
that newcomers have to learn the conventions.

I think that one of the biggest stumbling blocks to new users of Rails is 
the way associations are described. Just look at the number of questions on 
this on SO. M-1 and 1-M and even M-1-M are really quite simple concepts, 
but the Rails naming of these relationships just serves to confuse.

Here is a good definition that kind of gets at the root cause:

> belongs_to and has_many do not describe either the ownership or the scope 
or the life cycles for the objects they relate. They may give that 
impression because 'belongs' implies ownership and responsibility, but they 
merely describe the references (the keys) between the objects.

Even the 

> Associations are a set of macro-like class methods for tying objects 
together through foreign keys

In that case isn't it easier if we called a spade a spade, and not a 
shovel? ;)

Surely all the confusion would be cleared up by renaming `belongs_to`? This 
would lower the barrier to learning Rails, resulting in less mistakes, less 
time wasted asking and answering on SO, less discussions, less blogs -> 
overall a HUGE time saver for the community **over the long term** (against 
which you have to weigh the short-term pain of adopting the change of 

**Example 1 - one-to-one**
class Employee
  has_one :salary
class Salary
  has_key_for :employee 

**Example 2 - one-to-many**
class Manager
  has_many :employees
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_key_for :manager

**Example 3- M-1-M**
class Project
  has_many :assignments
  has_many :employees, through: :assignments  

class Employee
  has_many :assignments
  has_many :projects, through: :assignments

class Assignment
  has_key_for :employee
  has_key_for :project

**Example 4 - Polymorphic**
class Address
  has_key_for :addressable, :polymorphic => true

class Person
  has_one :address, as: :addressable

I think this just leaves "has_and_belongs_to_many" which personally I have 
always hated. :)  Why not just use "has_many"? Since when you have an 
explicit join table for M-M, you use "through" if there is no 
"through" specified, we know it is a HABTM.

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