I do remember proposing this at one point internally:

has_one_attached :avatar do |attachable|
  attachable.variant :small, resize: ’100x100>’

I’m also fine with exposing it as `variant(:small)` or for one offs 
`variant(:small, caption: ’foo’)`.

I’m not looking to see this through though, so you’d have to get George 
Claghorn or someone else on board for this ride.

Appreciate the extensive write up with reasoning!

> Den 27. nov. 2018 kl. 14.28 skrev Abhishek Chandrasekhar 
> <abhishek.chandrasek...@gmail.com>:
> Hello all -
> Firstly, huge thanks to those who have worked on ActiveStorage so far. The 
> library seems to be coming along nicely. 
> ActiveStorage currently allows you to define variants of an attachment as 
> follows:
> ```ruby
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_one_attached :avatar
>   # ...
> end
> user.avatar.variant(resize: "100x100>")
> user.avatar.variant(resize: "100x100>", caption: "foo")
> user.avatar.variant(resize: "200x200", rotate: "-90")
> ```
> I'd like to propose the following functionality that lets users configure and 
> pre-define variants. 
> ```ruby
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_one_attached(
>     :avatar, 
>     variants: { 
>       small: { resize: "100x100>" }
>       small_captioned: { resize: "100x100>", caption: "foo" }
>       medium_rotated: { resize: "200x200", rotate: "-90" }
>     }
>   )
>   # ...
> end
> user.avatar.variant(:small)
> user.avatar.variant(:small_captioned)
> user.avatar.variant(:medium_rotated)
> # Something not pre-definied
> user.avatar.variant(rotate: "120")
> ```
> This is similar in concept to how existing attachment libraries (paperclip, 
> carrierwave, etc...) have allowed definition and configuration of variants.
> It is true that this functionality can be mimicked outside of activestorage 
> by having the developer maintain a manual mapping of key names to variant 
> configurations. However, I believe this should be part of ActiveStorage 
> directly because -
> 1. It leads to cleaner/more readable code (e.g. `user.avatar.variant(:small)` 
> is easy to understand)
> 2. It keeps configuration consolidated inline with `has_one_attached`, which 
> is similar to how options are already defined inline with `has_one`, 
> `has_many`, etc...
> 3. It's fully backward compatible with how variants are invoked right now and 
> doesn't force you to use a particular approach.
> Would such a feature be accepted if I were to submit a pull request for it? 
> Thank you!
> -- 
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