I'm not from the core but in my experience the chances are better opening a 
PR with the feature, specially if the implementation is simple.

I can even review the code, I've made a few PRs before with the 
implementation of the ignored columns and I'm familiar with the code.

On Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 2:29:15 PM UTC-3, Dan Ott wrote:
> ActiveRecord has the ActiveRecord::Base.ignored_columns = %w(some columns 
> to ignore) method to blocklist columns that ActiveRecord loads from the 
> database. Spelunking the ActiveRecord source, I found no corresponding 
> method that acts as an allowlist for columns that will be loaded.I found 
> myself reaching for an allowlist as I started to take advantage of Rails 
> 6's multi-database support. In my context, data from another database that 
> used to be wrapped in a REST endpoint can now be accessed directly. When 
> making this direct access, I want to ignore every attribute except the few 
> I am specifically interested in. Because we’re in a multiple-app 
> environment, we don’t necessarily have control over columns being added or 
> dropped from the secondary database during runtime. We don’t want our 
> application to go down because another team removed an experimental column 
> from their database.To solve this problem with ignored_columns, we had to 
> enumerate all the existing columns.
> class Dogs < AnimalsBase
>   self.ignored_columns = %w(some list of columns that can never be exhaustive 
> because new columns could be added all the time)
> end
> This suffers from the problem of new columns could be added at any time. 
> The list of ignored columns has to be constantly tended to ensure we’re 
> robust against a runtime error of columns going away.What I wanted to 
> reach for was something like
> class Dogs < AnimalsBase
>   self.allowed_columns = %w(id and only the exact columns needed)
> end
> With this approach, we’re robust against the other database adding and 
> removing columns. We still run the risk of encountering runtime errors if 
> one of our exactly-requested columns goes away. I can’t come up with a way 
> to mitigate that risk aside from improving communications between teams.I’m 
> not solid on the name allowed_columns but it was the first thing I 
> reached for.For the time being, I implemented this with a monkey patch to 
> load_schema!
> ActiveRecord::Base.concerning "AllowedColumns" do
>   included do
>     self.allowed_columns = [].freeze
>   end
>   module ClassMethods
>     def allowed_columns
>       if defined?(@allowed_columns)
>         @allowed_columns
>       else
>         superclass.allowed_columns
>       end
>     end
>     def allowed_columns=(columns)
>       @allowed_columns = columns.map(&:to_s)
>     end
>     # copied from from 
> https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/2dea8c29c794bec564a2e69ad715d25024e93932/activerecord/lib/active_record/model_schema.rb#L484-L497
>     def load_schema!
>       unless table_name
>         raise ActiveRecord::TableNotSpecified, "#{self} has no table 
> configured. Set one with #{self}.table_name="
>       end
>       @columns_hash = 
> connection.schema_cache.columns_hash(table_name).except(*ignored_columns)
>       @columns_hash = @columns_hash.slice(*allowed_columns) if 
> allowed_columns.present? # This is the additional line
>       @columns_hash.each do |name, column|
>         define_attribute(
>           name,
>           connection.lookup_cast_type_from_column(column),
>           default: column.default,
>           user_provided_default: false
>         )
>       end
>     end
>   end
> end
> Is this a feature that others would find useful now that we’re working 
> with first-class multi-database support?

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