I try to implement a little AJAX powered voting on a site.

I checked, that the template includes the javascript libraries:

  <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

and add a remote form to the template:

                <div id="voting<%= artist.id %>">
                        <%= render(:partial => "voting", :object => artist) %>

The partial template _voting.rhtml does exist:

Votings: <%= voting.votes %>
<% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :vote, :id => voting } do %>
        <%= submit_tag "Vote" %>
<% end %>

In the controller I implemented the method to handle the request:

  def vote
       @artist = Artist.find(params[:id])
    rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
      logger.error("Attempt to access invalid artist #{params[:id]}")
      @artist.votes = @artist.votes + 1

and there is an RJS template vote.rjs:

page.replace_html("voting" + @artist.id.to_s, :partial =>
"voting", :object => @artist)

When I call the page and press the vote button, the request is send to
the server and the database was updated, but the website did not
change. When I reload the page the correct new value will be

I debugged this with FireBug in Firefox an I can see the ajax request
thats been sent to the server and the following response to this

try {
Element.update("voting215", "Votings: 26\n<form action=\"/voting/vote/
215\" method=\"post\" onsubmit
=\"new Ajax.Request('/voting/vote/215', {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize
(this)}); return false;\"> \n\t<input name=\"commit\" type=\"submit\"
value=\"Vote\" /> \n</form>\n"
} catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString());
alert('Element.update(\"voting215\", \"Votings
: 26\\n<form action=\\\"/voting/vote/215\\\" method=\\\"post\\\"
onsubmit=\\\"new Ajax.Request(\'/voting
/vote/215\', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;\
\\"> \\n\\t<input name=\\\"commit\\\" type=\\\"submit\\\" value=\\
\"Vote\\\" /> \\n</form>\\n\");');
 throw e }

Does anyone has an idea what I'm doing wrong?

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