I cheat. I put a DIV at the bottom of my HTML the just retrieve the

On Jun 25, 3:46 pm, mocambo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very useful diagram. Only problem - there's not any implementation for
> getting whole real document height.
> On Jun 25, 7:49 pm, Diodeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You should go and down load Kangax's most excellent cheet sheet.
> > There's a very helpful diagram.
> >http://prototypejs.org/2008/1/29/prototype-1-6-0-2-cheat-sheet
> > On Jun 24, 7:35 pm, mocambo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Is there any cross-browser implementation for
> > > browsers viewable area measures,
> > > document scrolling positions,
> > > document scrolling positions,
> > > element positions relative to document.body ?
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