Uh, Yeah, I'm in!

Thank you for your consideration.

- James.

On Jul 4, 5:46 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The chorus of "ayes" being conspicuously absent from the original
> thread [1], I'm guessing that buried deep in a thread wasn't the best
> place to propose a timetable for starting the new group and asking for
> replies.  So, quoting from that thread:
> << Hi all,
> I've been pursuing this new group thing behind the scenes with Tobie
> and the core team.  And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks the
> spam has gotten just ridiculous.  As you may know, we were sort of
> holding off moving to the new group until A) We could locate and
> contact the owner of this group so we could modify its description
> (etc.) to point to the new one, and B) Until we finished and posted a
> new FAQ to prototypejs.org which would (among other things) mention
> the new group.  Frankly, both of them have been holding things up.
> But!  Good news on both fronts.  Tobie has finally succeeded (after
> much effort) in contacting an owner/manager of this group (DHH, in
> fact), and I've taken kangax's stuff, Tobie's outline, a few of my own
> ideas, and gotten together a draft FAQ.  No major comments in a week,
> so it's now just pending Andrew doing some final edits to it, and then
> one of the core team will post it to the site.  We already have enough
> volunteers to be moderators on the new group (and many, many thanks to
> the folks who've come forward) so we can cut way down on spam.
> So here's my recommendation:
> * 6 July 2008 (or soon thereafter):  Post the FAQ.
> * 6 July 2008:  "Open" the new group (it's currently hidden to avoid
> confusion), announce it in a thread here, and allow discussions in
> both places while suggesting that new threads get posted to the new
> group (but still answering them here if they're posted her).  Start
> moving any ongoing discussions to the new group.
> * 15 July 2008:  Stop answering questions here.  If someone posts
> here, we'll just tell them to repost to the new group (that can mostly
> be done by doing a standard footer that goes on all messages).  Edit
> the description of this group to redirect people to the new group.
> * 15 August 2008:  Close this group entirely to new posts.
> Here are the details of the new group -- we still have time to change
> the URL/email address if people want, but as we say here in the UK, it
> does what it says on the box:
> New group name: Prototype & script.aculo.us
> URL:http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous
> Email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> All in favor of the above say aye! >>
> So far we have ayes on the timetable and such (there's no question
> about *whether* to do it) from:
> * Myself
> * Ryan Gahl
> * Trevan Richins
> * Justin Perkins
> * Walter Lee Davis (I think)
> I'd like to see a few more ayes from high-profile posters before
> moving forward; seems important that we be pretty broadly in agreement
> on when to make the transition...
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> tj / crowder software / com
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-spinoffs/browse_thread/thr...
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