On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 9:17 AM, apm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For an application i need to have app-specific parts + content
> management. I thought of integrating with an existing CMS project in
> Rails. These would be the requirement i would have for a CMS:

Radiant <http://github.com/radiant/radiant/tree> is the way to go.

> Must-have-features:
>  * Rails 2 compatible

Radiant comes with Rails 2.0.2 in vendor/rails. There is current work to
move to Rails 2.1.

  * Easy integration: should be easy to integrate with other parts of
> the website that would be developed also in Rails

Check out the 
Also, look at the

> * Stable: should be used in production

Radiant is very well tested.

> * Localization support (DB, YAML or GetText)

Via DB: 

> Nive to have features:
>   * WYSIWYG editor

Radiant extensions exist for
TinyMCE <http://github.com/search?q=radiant+tinymce>.

>   * Single sign on

Radiant's User model is available to the local Rails app:

# User(id: integer, name: string, email: string, login: string, password:
string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, created_by_id: integer,
updated_by_id: integer, admin: boolean, developer: boolean, notes: text,
lock_version: integer, salt: string, session_token: string)

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  # Default Order
  order_by 'name'

  # Associations
  belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => 'User'
  belongs_to :updated_by, :class_name => 'User'

  # Validations
  validates_uniqueness_of :login, :message => 'login already in use'

  validates_confirmation_of :password, :message => 'must match
confirmation', :if => :confirm_password?

  validates_presence_of :name, :login, :message => 'required'
  validates_presence_of :password, :password_confirmation, :message =>
'required', :if => :new_record?

  validates_format_of :email, :message => 'invalid e-mail address',
:allow_nil => true, :with => /^$|^([EMAIL 

  validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 100, :allow_nil => true, :message
=> '%d-character limit'
  validates_length_of :login, :within => 3..40, :allow_nil => true,
:too_long => '%d-character limit', :too_short => '%d-character minimum'
  validates_length_of :password, :within => 5..40, :allow_nil => true,
:too_long => '%d-character limit', :too_short => '%d-character minimum', :if
=> :validate_length_of_password?
  validates_length_of :email, :maximum => 255, :allow_nil => true, :message
=> '%d-character limit'

  validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => true,
:message => 'must be a number'


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