in my controller inventory_Controller I have a variable called @cart
that is set to @cart=find_cart in the beginning of each method.  The
cart is displayed on the left hand sidemenu, so each page like
inventory/review, inventory/dvd inventory/checkout has to have @cart

For some reason @cart gets defined for the first two, but not the last

The only difference between the way I am redirecting to the pageis
that the first two are by links:
                <%= link_to "review", {:action => 'review', :title =>
album.title, :itemType => album.itemType} %>
                <a href='/inventory/dvd' class='menuLink' >DVD</a>

The last one is by a button:

<%= button_to "Check Out!" , :action => :check_out %>

Mind you, the button is also generated within a partial, butI don't
think that would have any importance.  Any Insight?  Thanks

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