
i need to post a form using AJAX so that I can update and save my

<% form_for(@sample,:html => {:id => "analyses_list"}) do %>
  <ul id="params_list">
    <%= render :partial => 'parameters/parameter_name',
             :collection => @parameters %>
<% end %>

if I am using link_to_function in order to post the form, everything
is alright except that it's not an AJAX request, but at least the
action update is called:

<%= link_to_function("Remove an analysis from sample # [EMAIL PROTECTED]",
"if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove those analyses?')) $
('analyses_list').submit();") %>

I try using link to remote, but i have a problem with the url
parameter, i cant get the link to send the request to the update

<%= link_to_remote "Remove analyses from sample" ,{:url => {:action =>
'update', :id =>@sample}}, {:confirmation => true,:submit =>
'analyses_list'}  %>

i also tried
{:url => sample_url(@sample), :method => :put}

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