Sijo Kg wrote:
> Hi
>     I have the model SDTicket and SDCi
> SDTicket
> has_many :service_desk_cis
> SDCi
> after_save :update_sd_ticket
> belongs_to :sd_ticket
> def update_sd_ticket
>     self.sd_ticket.update_attribute("modified_by_id",#here I need value
> from session)
> end
> I have a user controller in that session[:id] = current_user_id #here I
> am setting current user id to session[:id]
>      Could you please tell me how I can  access this value from SDCi
> class above in the call back after_save
I can't (personally).  I would probably create an instance method in the 
model inside which I would save the model ( and do other 
things like update the related model.  If you do it this way you could 
also wrap it in a transaction block to make the whole thing atomic - at 
least  you have that option anyway.

You'd pass the session value in as an argument to this method from the 
controller; your model shouldn't need to know about where the 
current_user_id came from (ie someone's http session).  This makes 
things more testable / less coupled.

That's just my thoughts.

Daniel Bush

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