On Nov 3, 6:41 pm, Sijo Kg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
>   Thanks for the reply.May I ask one more question? As  Daniel Bush said
> this isn't a test fixture but just a file that is being used to set
> default values..So my question normally in which directory I can store
> this yml file whether inside models or view or anywhere?

I can't see the reason for using yaml like this - but I guess you have
your reasons.

Since you're set on having your controller load up a yaml file every
time it's accessed then I'd probably stick it in db/ somewhere.    As
Fred says, you could put it anywhere.

You could lazy load it to save hitting the file system every time:
  class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base
    def YourModel.default_values
      @@default_values ||= YAML.load_file(RAILS_ROOT+'/db/

Daniel Bush

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