That's no polymorphic relation at all.
In a polymorphic relation would mean, that the table
contains one and the same kind of data for a set of
other tables.
Say you have client and admin tables and want all of them
to have an address, then address would be polymorphic,
assigned either to a client or address.

In your case the user is the central table and the other three
relate to it by simply having an user_id field.

user has_many monthly_photos
user has_many daily_photos
user has_many date_photos

daily_photos belongs_to :users
monthly_photos belongs_to :users
date_photos belongs_to :users

You could enhance that code by using a single photo
table with a kind_of field, that's saying if it's daily,
monthly or fixed date and using a use_at date field,
interpreting it depending on kind_of.
Or use "Single table inheritance" (explained in Rails API docs
But I wouldn't do that for such a small piece of functionality.
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