Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Phillip Koebbe
> A bizarre over-reaction I've noticed but never understood...

There are a lot of bizarre overreactions in the IT world. For those of 
us who are not leaders but followers, it can sometimes be difficult to 
filter out the garbage to get down to the valuable information. If lack 
of time to properly try to digest something is taken into consideration, 
it becomes that much more difficult to find the right path.

>> Finding the middle ground is often a considerable struggle.
> Not sure I understand how using appropriate semantic tags for a
> given content type is a struggle :-)  but good luck.

Well, let me put it as simply as I can, though it certainly won't be a 
compliment to myself. Some of us aren't quite a smart as others are. 
There is a very long continuum of intelligence, and different people 
find themselves on different parts of it. While I try to understand 
something that you understand very easily, I just might not get it. 
Something you find very easy to grasp, maybe I don't. Sadly, this might 
be something that is truly fundamental to web development. So be it. I 
came to the web development party late, just a couple of years ago, 
after many years of developing desktop applications. Some things I can 
get a hold of, some things I can't. I've also got a lot going on in my 
life, which complicates things. Not trying to whine here, just pointing 
out that one person's mental capacity is not necessarily equal to 
another's. Plus, I am self-employed (as a contract programmer) and get 
paid by the hour. I don't have a lot of time to figure out the 
semantically correct way to do everything. I love it when I can research 
something while on the clock, but that is a luxury I don't often have. 
If I have a way that works, I use it and move on. Am I a hack? Maybe. 
But I've got a family to take care, so I use what works, even if not 
technically correct or the best way to do it.

Believe me when I say that I'm always looking out for better ways to do 
things. That's why I follow this forum. There is lots and lots of great 
information here. I recognize my weaknesses and am not afraid to change 
the way I do things when I find a better way. If I have time, that is.

Thanks for input, Hassan. Your comments are sometimes a bit on the 
abrasive side, but when taken in the proper spirit, they can definitely 
lead someone to give more thought to what they do.

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