Argh, this still isn't quite there yet. Now I can't start my app with 
script/console, which is convenient sometimes. Because in 
script/console, somehow ActiveSupport hasn't yet been loaded when it 
loads the environment.

So I had to add a "require 'active_support'" to my environment, and now 
console is happy. I hope that won't mess up anything else in the Rails 
load order.

I had no idea I'd have to get so much into the guts of Rails just to set 
a custom log format.

Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
> Okay, I finally figured out how to get this to work. Leave this here for 
> future list archive searchers, since I had to put together a bunch of 
> pieces.
> My custom logger, based on this patch:
> is in my lib/umlaut_logger.rb. So now that custom logger can take a 
> formatter, like standard ruby Logger can.
> For some reason, inside the environmental config block, auto-loading 
> from constants doesn't seem to work yet, I needed to require_dependency 
> it automatically.  Then, I really wanted to take the existing log and 
> severity level fields from RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, but 
> RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER isn't set yet here. But if I wait until it IS set, 
> then it's too late for re-setting it to easily have an effect. So I had 
> to reconstruct what it did from source, and other people's suggetsions 
> in the listserv archives.
> So, in the config block:
>     require_dependency 'umlaut_logger'
>     severity_level = 
> ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.const_get(config.log_level.to_s.upcase)
>     log_file = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "log", "#{RAILS_ENV}.log")
>     our_logger =, severity_level)
>     # eg, my real one is more complicated:
>     our_logger.formatter = lambda {|severity_label, message| 
> "#{severity_label}: #{message}"}
>     config.logger = our_logger
> That was kind of a lot of work to get custom formatting.  Phew.

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