On Nov 20, 8:02 am, Tom Lobato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have 3 tables:
> pupils:           id, name, born_date, sex
> courses:        id, course_name, description
> pupilXcourse: pupil_id, course_id
> Today I run a Pupil.find(:all) and send a json response to the
> browser, who shows a table of pupils and its attributes.
> I want to include in this listing on the browser a field showing what
> courses each pupil got.

If you're just using Rails' to_json and you've got the appropriate
associations then you can just do pupils.to_json :include => :courses


> I don`t know the fast/easy method to achieve this. Maybe a custom,
> more complex, select statment, or a additional select with additional
> json request.
> If you have hints or examples, it you be very welcome.
> Thank you!
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