hi Subhadip Chakraborty,

     iam trying to upload multiple files using attachment_fu
plugin ....i have followed by ur code but i did't get it... can u plz
explain it more briefly... its very urgent......

     thanks in advance,

On Oct 22, 2:53 pm, Subhadip Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
s.net> wrote:
> Hi,
>   i am trying for uploading multiple files using attachment_fu plugin.
>   i use MultiSelector javascript for this purpose.It helps me to store
>   minimum three files before uploading.but when i deleted one file
>   and replace with another file.the rest of the files including this
>  files are not save in the database.
>   i include required javascript files as attachment.
>   here is my code,
>  in view
>   <% form_for :fileindex, :url => { :action => 'create' }, :html => {
> :multipart => true } do |f| %>
>         <%= javascript_include_tag "multifile_compressed"%>
>     <%= file_field 'file', 'data' %><br>
>     <div id="files_list">Files (maximum 3):</div>
>     <script>
>     var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( document.getElementById(
> 'files_list' ),3);
>     multi_selector.addElement( document.getElementById( 'file_data' ) );
>     </script>
>     <p><%= f.submit:Create %></p>
>     <% end %>
>  in controller:
>   def create
>    i = 0
> while params['file_'+i.to_s] !="" && !params['file_'+i.to_s].nil?
>  # puts params['file'+i.to_s]
>   p = Hash["fileindex"=>{"uploaded_data"=>""}]
>  # puts p
>   p["fileindex"]["uploaded_data"] = params["file_"+i.to_s]
>  # puts p["Fileindex"].size
>  # if p["Fileindex"].size>0
>     @fileindex = Fileindex.create! p["fileindex"]
>  # end
> i += 1
> end
> end
>  any urgent help is required.
>                       thanks,
> Attachments:http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/2841/application.js
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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