I think your set :repository line is too short.  It needs to reference 
the actual directory in the svn repo where your "app" and other rails 
files live.  I'm thinking in your case that might be more like:

set :repository, "svn://mackstar.net/mainrepo/mackstar"

or maybe something like:
set :repository, "svn://mackstar.net/mainrepo/mackstar/trunk/dev"

You will need to look at how your project is set up inside the svn repo 
to get it right.


Richard Mcintyre wrote:
> I have a local project with I am versioning with a remote subversion
> resitory on which is on the same site as I am wanting to deploy my
> app. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to work this out, but I am
> lost
> I think capsitrano is having trouble connecting to my repository, my
> deploy.rb is as follows
> set :application, 'mackstarnet'
> set :repository, "svn://mackstar.net/mainrepo"
> set :svn_username, "******"
> set :svn_password, "*****"
> Richard

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