I just wanted to let you know that the hack to make rawk work on Rails
2.2.2 by grouping action calls no longer works.

This is the hack, I have put the TODO where the line crashes Rails:
module ActiveSupport
  class BufferedLogger
    def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block)
      return if @level > severity
      message = (message || (block && block.call) || progname).to_s
      # If a newline is necessary then create a new message ending with
a newline.
      # Ensures that the original message is not mutated.
      message = "#{message} (pid:#{$$})" if RAILS_ENV=="production"
      message = "#{message}\n" unless message[-1] == ?\n
      @buffer << message # TODO: this line no longer works with Rails

The error message is the following:
Error during failsafe response: undefined method `<<' for {}:Hash
(originally undefined method `<<' for {}:Hash)
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