Perhaps, and this is just some "brain dump" at the moment, you could
set up a separate attribute and then use some Ruby to take that imput
and split it so that you can save it as separate attributes. I have no
idea how you would do this code wise, but having a text field set up
as :input and then attr_accesssor :input and then work from there with
some Ruby to split at newlines or with some other kind of operator.

On Nov 24, 4:57 am, smfrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an application I've developed where there is a record of data
> which is entered line by line, I've got that working fine. The form
> now only has one field, because that's all the data which is
> required.   I would like to make it simpler by providing a text_area,
> and the user would enter a list of values and on submit have the
> controller or the model parse the data into records and append them
> into the table.    I've looked for examples of the correct 'Rails way'
> of doing this type of process, but everything looks like a single
> record posted.  Does anyone know of a Gem or module which will make
> this simpler?
> Thanks!
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