My bad, akita from  told me how to reproduce the

1. generate a new app
2. rake db:migrate


I'll look into it or get someone to look into it.

- Matt

On Nov 24, 12:04 pm, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> << I have to wonder if this was done on purpose as a sort
> of sabotage, since there is this religious war going on with Merb and
> Rails. >>
> Wow, that's some serious accusations there.
> First off, DataMapper is not developed by the Merb team. do_sqlite3 is
> a separate driver letting you use DM and Sqlite3. In the Rails world,
> ActiveRecord deals with the various drivers by knowing a lot about
> them and their APIs. In the DataMapper world, the drivers were re
> written to match the DataObject API (so DM doesn't have to figure out
> how each adapter/driver works).
> If the problem you're having can be reproduced that means few things.
> First, you wouldn't be able to use ActiveRecord/Rails and DataMapper
> on the same system using Sqlite3. DataMapper is used by other
> frameworks/scripts than Merb and some people even hack Rails to use
> DM. Secondly ActiveRecord nor DM should touch sqlite3 so it seems
> pretty strange. On windows, both frameworks do require a sqlite3.dll
> to be available on the system and they might fight over which version
> to use but you seem to be on MacOSX.
> Regarding the "religious war" you are referring to, I don't know why
> you say that. As a Merb team member I can assure you that there is not
> such a thing. We do not agree on the way Rails does few things, but
> there is no war. And it is certainly not something personal. As
> mentioned before, we have a lot of respect for DHH and the rest of the
> Rails team. Without them, I wouldn't do what I do now and Merb would
> not even exist. So, please don't mention some crazy sabotage theories
> and maybe people will stop thinking that there is a war going on.
> Finally, while I was replying to your messages, I installed Rails
> 2.2.2, upgraded mongrel to 1.1.5 and made sure I was on DM 0.9.7 with
> do_sqlite3 0.9.7 and I can't reproduce your problem.
> If you upload a test app, I'd be glad to look at it and try to figure
> out what's going on.
> Thanks,
> -Matt
> On Nov 22, 1:31 pm, ncancelliere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok - I found out what it was ... damn Merb!!
> >     do_sqlite3-0.9.7
> > After I removed this gem (which is a dependency installed by Merb)
> > everything went back to working right.  I reinstalled the gem, and I
> > get the same error again.  So there's something going on between Rails
> > and this particular gem - although I'm not smart enough to figure out
> > what, nor have time to.
> > So if you're running into the same issue I would just take out that
> > gem - but it probably means you can't use SQLite with your Merb
> > applications.  I have to wonder if this was done on purpose as a sort
> > of sabotage, since there is this religious war going on with Merb and
> > Rails.
> > On Nov 22, 7:48 am, ncancelliere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've updated to the Rails 2.2 gem and now I can't run Rails because I
> > > get an error it cannot find SQLite3.  I was running just fine under
> > > 2.1.2 with SQlite3.  I'm on a Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) system.
> > > > gem list rails
> > > rails (2.2.2, 2.1.2, 2.0.2)
> > > rails-app-installer (0.2.0)
> > > > gem list sqlite
> > > sqlite3-ruby (1.2.4)
> > > > which sqlite3
> > > /usr/bin/sqlite3
> > > I know SQLite is installed and working because I can go into it from
> > > the command line.  For some reason though Rails is not able to find
> > > it.  Any ideas on how to fix this?  (I've already tried reinstalling
> > > sqlite3-ruby - sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby, but that doesn't help).
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