Let me just add that while what I wrote above did work a few times, the 
problem recurred.  So I would not say that is a good solution.   At this 
point I manually required my classes in the other class:

require 'project'
require 'asset'

and this seems to work.   It is a mystery to me, but hope someone else 
is helped.


Sarah Gray wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to chime in because I had a similar proble, Expected / 
> .../app/controllers/application.rb to define Application. On production 
> only. Rails 2.1.2, apache2, passenger.  This thread was helpful and I 
> found in my stack trace the noted const_missing, originating at line 90 
> in one of my classes, permission.rb
> <pre>
> vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:484:in 
> `const_missing'
> app/models/permission.rb:90:in `initialize_project'
> </pre>
> The method in question had a case statement like so:
> <pre>
> @project ||= case @resource
>       when Project
>         @resource
>       ....
> end
> </pre>
> It was crapping out on line 90, which was:
> <pre>
> when Project
> </pre>
> I tried giving it an absolute path to Project, like so:
> <pre>
> @project ||= case @resource
>       when ::Project
>         @resource
>       ....
> end
> </pre>
> And this solved the problem.
> Hopefully that helps someone as this thread helped me.
> sg

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