ok.... basing myself on what I could see on

here's what I would do


which would be every two weeks starting today.


On Nov 10, 8:33 pm, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess my question can be summed up as: can you create a recurring
> event for every other week using the Runt class?
> On Nov 10, 3:20 pm, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am planning on using Runt to calculate recurring events.  I
> > calculate a Runt object in the view and use it to see if it includes a
> > certain date, which is populates from the database, and display the
> > info for that date if it is included.  I have recurring events for
> > every week, which was pretty easy to set up.  I can just say:
> > r = Runt::DIWeek.new(4)
> > For a recurring event every Thursday, and then do r.include(some_date)
> > to see if it falls on a Thursday.  The
> > question I have is for developing recurring events for other time
> > limits, such as twice a month/every other week, once a month, once
> > every other month, once every six months.  To create Runt expressions
> > for every other week, you can create an expression using the day name
> > with respect to its order in the month.  So, for example, you can say
> > I want a recurring event for the first Tuesday of every month and that
> > would look like this:
> > r = Runt::DIMonth.new(First,Tuesday)
> > You are allowed to use these orderings: (first|second|third|fourth|
> > last|second_to_last).  So this will allow me to do the expressions
> > every other week and once a month.  But my question is, does anyone
> > have a fast clean way of figuring out the ordering of a day within the
> > month given its date.  So, for example, if I have the date November
> > 20th, 2008 and I want to figure out if that is the first, second,
> > third, or fourth Thursday of the month how would I do this?
> > I guess the easiest way is to write a function that takes the day
> > number and divides the date by 7?  If its less than or equal to one
> > then it is the first day of the month, if it has a remainder of one
> > then it is the second and so on...  Just looking for some feedback on
> > this idea and any other ideas.  Maybe there is some way to do it with
> > the Runt class?  Thanks, Dave
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