
I'm running the following code in my show() method:

        @articles = Article.find(:all, :conditions => ["issue_id = ?",
@issue.id], :order => '`column`,position')

        if (params[:article_id])
          @article_id = params[:article_id].to_i
          c = 0
          total = @articles.count
          while (c < total)
            if @article_id == @articles[c].id
              if c == 0
                @article_prev = @articles.last.id
                @article_prev = @articles[(c-1)].id
              if ((c+1) == total)
                @article_next = @articles.first.id
                @article_next = @articles[(c+1)].id
          @article_id = 0
          @article_main = @articles.first.id
          @article_prev = @articles.last.id
          @article_next = @articles[1].id

Now to be honest this code is already a bit odd for me but I have no
idea how else to approach this in Ruby on Rails. So I've attempted to do
it PHP-style. But I'm being told that I can't do @articles.count

Why? I have a user model and a user has a one to many relationship with
articles so I know that: @user.articles.count works. Hence I'm guessing
there's something big I'm missing here.

So, how am I going to do this? How do I easily cycle through my list of
articles and get the previous and next ones?

Any help greatly appreciated. I've been going back and forth over my
books and forums but I can't seem to formulate the question to be able
to ask it.
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