Hi - see below...

hema gonaboina wrote:
> I need to have the array of hashes as
> [{employee_record1},{employee_record2}...... n records]
> For this i tried as the...
> result = []
> for employee in Employees
> res = {}
>     for field in fields

You used 'Fields' above instead of 'fields' here.

>       res << { field => employee.send(field)}

res[field] = employee.send(field)

'res' is a hash.  You build it by setting key/value pairs not pushing
onto a sequential array.
That should probably do it.

Some other things that might be of interest:
will give you a hash of all the fields and their values for an
employee object but you might only be wanting a subset.  (You could
'delete' them.)
will give you an array of all the column names.

>    end
> result << res
> end
> But it is not working...
> Finally i have to replace the 'result' with the PDF::SimpleTable.data
> through the statement
> => table.data.replace result
> which accepts only the hashes... whose columns are the keys and the column
> data as values
>  Please Help me Thank You

Daniel Bush
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