Hi Thorsten,

really very helpful ur ideas to me as i am very new to rails and sql.


1)I added this search :map.resources :articles, :collection =>
[:search] in route.rb like below

map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
  #added for search
  map.resources :articles, :collection => [:search]
2)i defined a search method in article controller like below:

def search
@articles = Article.find_tagged_with(params[:search])

3)i added the below code in idex.html.erb as u said and added a
commond to get a search box for tag entry.

Search: <input type="text" id="search_form" name="search" />

<% form_tag(search_articles_path(), :method => :get) do %>
 <%= label(:search, :tag, "Search:") %><br />
 <input name="search" id="tag" type="text" size="17" value='<%=
session[:search_keys] %>' style="width:123px;" />
 <input type="image" id="bt_zoek" src="/images/search.jpg"
alt="search" style="border:none;"/>
<% end %>

then i trid http://localhost:3000/articles

i am able to see on index page like below list:

Listing articles
Name          Body
Cricket  india vs pak tour  Show Edit Destroy
politics  HM quits            Show Edit Destroy

New article


from the index page i am able to do show,edit,destory and new article
functionalities and i am getting the search box to enter a tag name.

then my quiries:
1)if i enter some tag name then i press the search button  i m getting
erors like:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ArticlesController#show
Couldn't find Article with ID=search
RAILS_ROOT: E:/srikanth/InstantRails-2.0-win/rails_apps/blog

2)if the search isable to do searching  then the reasult shoud be list
out on index rt.so for this do we need update in any one of views(to
get the results) can u tell me which view i ned to modify and how ?

3)small doubt:

i have a table like contacts with columns like:

id name age location
1  a       12   ap
2  b        13  ap
3  c        12  up

corresponding tag table like:
id name
1  xx
2  yy
3  zz

here my douts are
1)the tag name shoud be one of the parameter like name or age or place
or it should be the entry name of perticuler column?
here actaully i given tag name as fun and serious as tag names but we
did not mention any relation table contents of article ,even if i do
article.find_taggable_with('fun') it is giving the details of teble
entrys.i did not understand the logic here can u help in this?

2)suppose i want to find all people from place ap i want to search
,how can i do that?
3)how the taging table is updating with all the above columns in the
tagging table?

tagging table like:
id tid taggable_id taggable_type

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:07 PM, Thorsten Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You mean to say i need to add
>> 1)map.resources :articles, :collection => [:search] in route.rb
> yes
>> 2)do i need to add method in controller like
>> def get
>> -----
>> end
> no, it should be:
> def search
> ...
> end
> the :collection => [:search]
> declares the existence of this search method in the articles
> controller
>> 3)Can we give the tag parameter as text box entry from the
>> forms(index.html.erb) and that tag parameter can be searched in the
>> database?
> yes, if you have a textbox named "search", then
> params[:search]
> will have the text entered in this box. You
> can give it any other name of course, params will have the value
> with the same name.
> (You can see what params are returned in the development.log)
> To use this for searching:
> @articles = Article.find_tagged_with(params[:search])
> then you should have all artcles with that tag in @articles
> and can display them in the view
> >

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