On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 2:13 AM, Linus Pettersson <linus.petters...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi!
> I have an app that manages products. I import the products from several
> resellers and they all name their categories different. Because of this I
> have resellercategories that are mapped to my own subcategories.
> Categories
> - Subcategories (belongs_to Category)
> Resellercategories (belongs_to Subcategory)
> Products (belongs_to Resellercategory)
> Now I want to show the categories in a special way. If the user filters
> products by gender, let's say 'female', then I only want to show the
> categories and subcategories which have products for females. This is where
> I'm stuck!
> I created a query like this that actually gets the correct "Categories".
> But it doesn't seem restrict the subcategories.
> The query:
> http://snipt.net/Linuus/categories-1?key=2d5d54fd573f0afe60eaa3c47a23fd4d

How did you actually _retrieve_ the subcategories.

By using the "joins" there, there is a chance your query only retrieves
the categories
(as in "SELECT "categories".* FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "subcategories"
So maybe you have a second query for the subcategories (that is not
correctly filtered then)

Maybe you do `category.subcategories`

@menu_categories = Category.joins(:subcategories)
                          .joins("INNER JOIN resellercategories AS r ON
subcategories.id = r.subcategory_id")
                          .joins("INNER JOIN products AS p ON r.id =
                          .order("categories.name ASC")
                          .where("p.gender = 'unisex' OR p.gender = ?",

@menu_categories.each do |mc|

This `mc.subcategories` executes a new query that is not taking into
account the filtering.
So, you are doing 1+n queries (and the n queries are not what you expect).

Maybe you need

@menu_categories = Category.includes(:subcategories)  # INCLUDES here
                          .joins("INNER JOIN resellercategories AS r ON
subcategories.id = r.subcategory_id")
                          .joins("INNER JOIN products AS p ON r.id =
                          .order("categories.name ASC")
                          .where("p.gender = 'unisex' OR p.gender = ?",

That will get the subcategories from the db in 1 (more complex) query with
results that are
filtered. If you then do

@menu_categories.each do |mc|
  mc.subcategories # this should not trigger new SQL queries

Do this rails console and read the SQL carefully (or look in your
development log
carefully which SQL is executed).



Peter Vandenabeele

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