Hi Don,

Thanks for the write-up on CanCan. I'm currently trying out
declarative_authorization as I want to have the role info be
accessible in my models.

On Jan 13, 8:47 am, Don <don.leat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm fairly new to the Rails community and recently faced a similar
> situation.  First from what you describe, CanCan will most certainly
> provide the functionality you desire.
> Secondly, there is a nice screencast at Railscasts.com that provides a good
> introduction, however some of processes in the screencast have been
> updated/modified in more recent versions of the gem, so be sure to go by
> the github documentation vs. the example in the screencast.
> Thirdly, I would describe the learning curve for the CanCan gem as
> moderate.  I have a fairly complex use case and my CanCan Abilities class
> has gotten a little large.  However, I've been amazed that each time I
> initially thought CanCan was in error, when I worked it through, CanCan was
> accurate.  Also, I was worried about a performance hit, but so far have not
> seen anything that indicates CanCan will not scale.
> Highly recommended gem from my standpoint.

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