On 24 January 2012 03:20, emc_lab <emclab2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is code in form.html.erb for partial view. Local var :sid was
> defined as the id of the record and it should be passed into the
> partial view standards.html.erb as a local var.
>      <% @rfq.standards.each do |r| %>
>        <p><%= render :partial => 'standards', :locals => { :f =>
> f, :sid => r.id } %></p>
>      <% end %>
> Here is the standards partial view:
>      <%= f.association :standards, :collection =>
> Standard.active_std.all(:order => 'name'), :label_method
> => :name, :value_method => :id,  :prompt => "Choose std", :label =>
> "standard:", :include_blank => true, :selected => sid %>
> When standards rendered, there is an error saying that var or method
> not defined. Any thoughts about the problem? thanks.

Can you show us the error please?


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