Colin Law wrote in post #1042340:
> On 24 January 2012 17:19, Peter Vandenabeele <>
> wrote:
>>> >> (13):
>>> > 1.9.3p0 :001 > require 'yaml';
>>> Do you want me to just copy and paste the code inside my database.yml
>> It parses the database.yml file (which is obviously a YAML file). If you
>> have
>> formatting problems in that file, it may be visible in the result.
> In case it is still not clear, Peter means you to open a terminal and
> cd to the top level of your rails projectexit.  Then type
> irb
> and when it comes back with the prompt enter the require .... line and
> see what it says.  You can then check the host, database, username and
> pwd are correct for the environment (development or production).
> To get back to the terminal prompt type exit
> Colin

Thank you.

This is my result. Does it look suspicious? I edited out some sensitive

irb(main):002:0* YAML::load('database.yml'))
=> {"projectname"=>{"username"=>"user", "adapter"=>"mysql",
"database"=>"somedatabase", "host"=>"localhost",
"password"=>"some_password"}, "projectname02"=>{"encoding"=>"utf8",
"username"=>"user", "adapter"=>"mysql", "database"=>"somedatabase",
"host"=>"", "password"=>"somepassword"}}

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