2012/1/31 Kevin Bedell <kbed...@gmail.com>:
> I appreciate what you're trying to do. I've been a dba in the past and
> have built apps using database credentials in the past.
> But this is a mistake. They key to being successful with rails is to
> leave behind the ways you did things before and embrace 'the rails
> way'.
> ActiveRecord using a single connection string to connect to the
> database -- it's in the database.yml file in the /config directory.
> Having it somehow use different credentials based on the user would
> make things much more complicated than need be.
> My advice -- forget about how you did things before and embrace the
> powerful and fast tools that rails provides to do things.
> In this case, use 'device' -- it's what almost everyone else uses and
> you'll thank yourself later for doing so. If you proceed with the way
> you're going then later on you'll kick yourself and wonder what the
> hell you were thinking.
> Best of luck.
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Marcin S <msporys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello, Im trying to write a simple app  for company internal usage.
>> The other applications we use (in php) authenticate users based on
>> database credentials, and to be honest I have no idea how to implement
>> this. Any suggestions will be great!

I know it's rather bad method, I'll try to convince them to use more
standard approach - i think there is also an LDAP service running, and
I saw LDAP plugin for 'AuthLogic' (or something like that).

Anyway i decided to give a shot to this 'bad method' and this is what
i came with (its not pretty).
I couldnt use regular establish_connection, bcos it reffering to the
application's main connection with database and after posting bad
password/username whole app derails, instead i'm talking to postgresql
adapter directly.

 def authenticate(user,password)
   connection =
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.new(nil, nil,
["hostname", 5432, nil, nil, "dbname", user, password], {})

   rescue PGError
     redirect_to root_path

    connection.disconnect! unless connection.nil?
    redirect_to orders_path

It's working - but thats all can be said :P I'm not sure if there
arn't some leftovers after such call.

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