Yup! My question exactly, what is .zip.cpgz and why is it showing up.

On Feb 6, 8:38 pm, Robert Walker <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> bertly_the_coder wrote in post #1044365:
> > I have a rails application that creates a couple of csv file, zips
> > them up and sends them to the client as an attachment(for download)
> > using this line:
> > send_file t.path, :x_sendfile => true, :type => 'application/
> > zip', :filename => "invited_friends_stats.zip"
> > When I view the zipped file created on the server, I'm able to use it,
> > however, when I download the file through the application, it
> > uncompresses into a .zip.cpgz file, while in turn compresses into a
> > zip file which compresses into a .zip.cpgz file, etc, etc.
> What is .zip.cpgz?
> > I then downloaded "The Unarchiver" app (on Mac OSX) and when I try and
> > open the .zip file I get an error: "the contents cannot be extracted
> > with this program"
> I don't know why you would need this app. Mac OS X, at least any
> reasonably recent version, natively understands the .zip file format.
> These can typically be expanded by double-clicking them in Finder.
> > Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Encoding error, etc?
> > Is there something I'm missing from the line above, or in my
> > configuration that would fix this?
> What did you use to compress the file server-side? My first guess is
> that the file is in some unsupported .zip format. It's also possible
> that the browser is trying to do some weird interpretation of the file.
> Are you sure your server is properly informing the browser of the
> correct content-type (mime-type)? I mean I see that you have specified
> that in your send_file, but did you actually look at the response in the
> browser to be sure? If you're using a WebKit based browser you can see
> that information using the Web Inspector. If using FireFox there's
> Firebug.
> As far as I know Mac OS X should support standard zip (content-type:
> application/zip) or GNU ZIP (content-type: application/x-gzip), and
> probably some others as well. But, if you stick to one of those two you
> should be fine.
> I would also compare the file that was compressed on the server with the
> file downloaded via the browser. If you run the two of them through a
> SHA1 you'll be able to tell if the file is arriving intact.
> $ openssl dgst -sha1 MyZip.zip
> SHA1(Untitled.rtf)= 17388cb38afe3d0f36a086458c96e334d6ec7e2c
> Run something like that against the file on the server and the one
> downloaded through the browser. If the hashes match you know you're not
> getting corruption over the wire.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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