On Feb 13, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Norm Scherer wrote:

> On 02/13/2012 05:39 AM, Hans wrote:
>> I have developed a rails 3.1 application with mysql, accessable by
>> internet
>> However, I also need a version of the same application used standalone
>> on the users PC or MAC, i.e a form of an off-line mode, for those
>> users that demand full controle of their data
>> Can that be done ? My requiremets are
>> - a local database
>> - an application that is easy to install and not require separate
>> installations of ruby, rails, webserver, mysql or sqlite etc
>> - an application that runs both on PC and MAC
>> What I need is a railsapplication that any user can install with a few
>> commands and that works locally as a standalone application or as a
>> rails application in production mode, using a local database and the
>> web-browser locally.
>> Is that possible ?
> It sounds like what you want is InstantRails however it only works on Windows 
> and has not been updated recently.  It works fine on Windows to support a 
> stand-alone app with a little tweaking.

What was that offline Rails framework that Joyent created a few years back? I 
know they open-sourced it, but I forget what it was called or whether it 
survived the jump to Rails 3.


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